
Average score 89 Reviews
Sean C. noted on Google

Brought here by a friend, I am really satisfied with the delicious food in this restaurant, I will definitely come again next time.

2 years ago
Yuanyuan W. noted on Reservation

Bonjour Les (+) § pas mal de choix pour les omnivores (dont fruits de mer) § pas mal de choix dans les desserts dont des fruits frais § possibilité de faire un wok § paiement en caisse dès l'entrée (gain de temps) Les (-) § très bruyant (pas d'insonorisation) § très peu d'espace pour circuler § pas beaucoup de choix pour les végétariens § mets tièdes (le temps d'arriver à sa table, le plat est froid et du coup perd de sa saveur)

2 years ago
Mr. Gfresh noted on Google

I love the foods there

2 years ago
Mr. Gfresh noted on Google

I love the foods there

2 years ago
Mr. Gfresh noted on Google

I love the foods there

2 years ago
Mr. Gfresh noted on Google

I love the foods there

2 years ago
Mr. Gfresh noted on Google

I love the foods there

2 years ago
Mr. Gfresh noted on Google

I love the foods there

2 years ago
Mr. Gfresh noted on Google

I love the foods there

2 years ago
Mr. Gfresh noted on Google

I love the foods there

2 years ago

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